Addressing the Triple Crisis Through Knowledge Brokering: Overview of the Finnish Science-Policy Interface

The ecological sustainability crises—climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution—require science-informed decision-making and systemic responses. Finland's collaborative governance and continuous interaction between scientists and policymakers are key to effectively addressing these challenges.

The Forum for Environmental Information's "Puheenvuoroja" publication presents the public decision-making system related to solving the ecological sustainability crisis and highlights examples of successful practices in knowledge brokering. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution cannot be resolved without continuous interaction between science and decision-making.

This publication is part of the open session “Science-Policy Dialogue in Ecological Sustainability Crises: Case Finland” at the Sustainability research and Innovation Congress SRI2024. The session focuses science-policy interactions in addressing ecological sustainability crises and is hosted by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment and the Forum for Environmental Information.

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