Time: 10.5.2016
Place: University of Helsinki, Minerva-Tori (Siltavuorenpenger 9), Helsinki
Mark your calendars and join us May 10th 2016 for our annual HENVI Science Day, when four foreign top key speakers will present their latest findings on the topic “Environmental vulnerabilities in the globalizing world: How to adapt and manage change? ”. Keynotes will be presented by Prof. Barry Smit (University of Guelph, Canada), Dr. Rachel Warren (University of East Anglia), Prof. Andrea Nightingale (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU) and Prof. Farhana Sultana (Syracuse University). In addition to listening to top researchers you will have the opportunity to actively participate in the event through round table discussions. The HENVI Science Day is free of charge, but registration is needed.
For students: there is an opportunity for students at intermediate and advanced level in their studies to participate in a special workshop course in the 4th study period titled “Environmental vulnerabilities in the globalizing world” (4 cr). The course is interdisciplinary and web-based and presents a great possibility to work with the visiting international top researchers. More information on the course is available at the HENVI website http://www.helsinki.fi/henvi/teaching/Workshop.htm
We hope to see you at the HENVI Science Day!
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